Do you remember being told to "go to school, get a good education, get a good job with a good company, and you will enjoy the American Dream"? From the time of our earliest understanding, we are told over and over again to "do what is necessary to get that good job." This conditioning is re-enforced through our schools (both public and private) into adulthood and beyond. Well, I hate to tell you this but for most of us, it was a BIG FAT LIE! I know we don't' want to believe that those people who are suppose to love and care for us would lie to us, and I don't believe they do it intentionally. At the end of the day, however, if something is not true then it's a lie.
How have we come to this? Why is it that only about 5% of the population is rich or financially independent when retirement age arrives? Why are so many Americans hovering around, at, or below the poverty level in the richest nation that has ever been known? The answer to that question is at the same time simple and complex. The complex answer is we're talking about the behavior of human beings. There is nothing in the world more complex than we are, period. The simple answer, however, is that we have been and are continuing to be conditioned by our societal environment to look to and depend on the paternalistic "job providers", whether those providers are in the Corporate or Public Sector. The bottom line is these entities perpetuate a complex system that ensures that we, the population, are a steady stream of affordable labor for them.
Just what does this all mean to you and me? Well to me it means that we have a decision to make. We must either decide to remain on the same course we're now on and let fate push us this way and that and maybe we will get lucky, or we can decide to take personal responsibility to do something different to change our situations and our financial lives to one that allows for truly saving for retirement.
I decided that I deserved more wealth than I was experiencing. Who wrote the rule book, I wanted to know, that said I had to live on less just because I was entering a new phase of my life? I set up a decision-making procedure, and as I was going through that process, I was introduced to an Internet Network Marketing business opportunity. Through it I discovered that I could have more. The rest, as they say, is history. And you deserve more of the riches that surround you. Since you are going to live until you die anyway, why not focus on building and enjoying wealth while you live? Why not generate another stream of income to dedicate to saving for retirement?
I know there are millions of people in America and around the world who are wrestling with retirement related decisions. I truly hope that these articles, at a minimum, will alert you to the reality that to live more of the life you desire and retire to the life you desire, you are going to have to begin to think and do differently. I feel that most of you who are motivated enough to read these articles will eventually connect with a process, push through the ingrained conditioning, and make the changes necessary to attract more income into your lives; so long as you continue to make the attempt. I applaud you. Awareness is half the battle, and you are now aware. Trust me when I say that if a share-cropper's son from Arkansas can do it, so can you.
Remember, you do not have to live on less in retirement. No matter where you are right now financially, you can build and enjoy a Million Dollar lifestyle retirement.
Harold L Lowe retired at age 62 when his six-figure income position was eliminated. He shockingly found a 50% reduction in his (combined pension and Social Security) income. He's since learned that income reduction is faced by most paycheck-to-paycheck employees.