Okay, you all asked for it. A no nonsense straight forward, to the point guide for making a killing on the Internet. For those daring enough to dedicate themselves to what needs to be done, this article will give you the basics. At the end, I'll direct you to a site where you can take advantage of all my hard work that I suffered through for over 5 years to get to where I am. Here it is.
Step 1 - Find a hungry market. No, I don't mean people who are starving. I'm talking about people who have problems, serious ones and not so serious ones. But they all have something in common...they want their problem solved...no matter HOW insignificant it may seem to you. And if you think this world doesn't have problems, take a look around you my friend. There are problems from acne sufferers to people who want to learn how to throw a split fingered fastball.
Step 2 - Find out if the demand in that market is great enough and the competition is weak enough to even warrant bothering with it. For example, if you think you're going to come out with a new soft drink and compete with the big brands out there, you're greatly mistaken, unless you have billions of dollars to spend on advertising.
Step 3 - Create, or find a ready made product that solves this problem. There are plenty of affiliate programs out there that sell tons of products for all kinds of niches. It's a $6.7 billion a year industry. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to get your piece of the pie. Just refer back to step 2 to see if you have a chance.
Step 4 - Create a free report or article series to provide to people who might be interested in this product. Make sure that you require them to opt into your list in order to get it. This is the critical part of the process. Once you have them on your list, if you follow up with good content and information that they can use, you'll have a much better chance to sell to them down the road.
Step 5 - Create or find more products for this market to sell. Your list, if you provide them with good content, will be more apt to buy from you if you keep giving them products of value.
This, my friend, is how I made a 6 figure income in 2007. It is NOT rocket science. As a matter of fact, it's such a simple process that it's a joke. All you have to do is put in the time.
And therein lies the rub.
See, I know how little time people really have to put into this business. So, I've decided to do the work for you. You can thank me later. In my signature is a site that will explain what I'm talking about. The amount of work that you'll have to put in is minimal because I've done all the hard work.
Like I said up top, you're probably not going to want to do this because it does take some effort. But you asked, and there's the answer...the one REAL way to make a killing on the Internet.
Now go and do it...TODAY!