Ezine publishing is fast becoming one of the most sought-after content-based marketing solutions these days. It helps entrepreneurs in building profitable business relationship with their potential clients through distribution of information.
Here are the 4 efficient ways to make more money with ezine publishing:
1. Expand your email marketing list. The more people you advertise to, the higher your sales potential. Strive to attract people to subscribe to your list by utilizing effective list building techniques. These include article writing, the use of squeeze page, posting of opt-in forms to your blog or website, throwing away freebies, and the use of your autoresponders. Focus on the quality of your list and make it more targeted by attracting the right kind of people or people who are most likely to buy from you.
2. Content. Why would people want to receive newsletters from you? They either want to be informed or get special promotions that are only offered to registered members. Thus, send newsletters only if you have valuable information to share and promotion to announce. Otherwise, don't bombard your subscribers with newsletters that they will not find useful or beneficial.
3. Advertise. This is the easiest way to make money through your ezine publishing. Advertise your products and services by sending product reviews, unbiased recommendations, or testimonials of your most satisfied clients. Don't forget to include your product photos, studies or researches that back up your products' efficiency or recognition they have received from industry leaders, if any, to make your offer more credible and enticing.
4. Be consistent. Extended period of absence can make your subscriber forget about you. To avoid this from happening, write your ezine content ahead of time and load them on your autoresponders. By doing so, your subscribers will not fail to receive your newsletters even if you are away or don't have internet access.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Amazing Ezine Publishing - Discover 4 Efficient Secrets to Make Money with Ezine Publishing
internet business,
make money,
work from home