Thursday, January 24, 2008

Internet Home Business - Where Do I Start?

by Nina Greene

Starting a home based internet business does not require a huge monetary investment or highly specialized computer and internet expertise. In fact, it is surprisingly easy and inexpensive to create a money-making website. While you do have expenses when starting a home based internet business, they are very minor when you compare them to the expenses involved in starting a traditional business.

For example, for a traditional business you need a location or storefront and there are lease or rental fees associated with the building, which could cost you thousands per month. With an internet business, you have the cost of monthly hosting which can be as low as $10/mth.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or frozen with fear of the unknown, then you need to read further. It is not that scary or overwhelming if your break it up into smaller pieces. The following list will help you gather your thoughts and move you in the right direction.

1. Determine how much money you will have to invest in your online business. You will need to budget for the services, products, tools, and educational resources required for your business. At a minimum, you need a domain name, a web host, and a website to start.

2. Decide on your niche, theme, product or service. You have many options such as creating a website or blog, promoting affiliate products, or selling merchandise in online auctions just to name a few. If you are going to sell products on your own website, you will need a supplier and shopping cart software. If you want a theme-based website, then you need a gather a database of articles and information to present to your visitors. You will need to do some market research to find out how much interest there is in your product or service. Start thinking about how you can set yourself apart from the competition.

3. Starting an online business without educating yourself is not advisable. It's fine to be eager and excited about getting started, but you are jeopardizing your chances of success by jumping into an internet business without a good foundation. Get all the information you can, but also invest in the best information and education products. The more you learn the easier the process will be for you. Don't feel like you have to learn everything before you get started. You just need to get a good foundation because after that, you will learn by doing.

4. By educating yourself, you will be able to identify which tools you will need to start and promote your business. Understand that probably the most important aspect of your business will be the marketing of your website. An incredible website is nothing without visitors. Without the visitors, you have not even a remote chance of making sales. Every website owner will need traffic and marketing tools, such as autoresponders and pay per click advertising. Learn all the options for marketing your website to increase traffic and sales.

5. Manage your time wisely. This is a constant challenge for a lot of home based business owners. It is so easy to become distracted when you are at home, more so than in the traditional workplace. Set a schedule and set goals for what you want to accomplish and when. Write down the goals you need to accomplish for the day and cross them off as you finish them. This may sound simplistic but it really does help to keep you on track.

6. Make a commitment and do not treat this like a hobby. Do not get into your internet home business thinking it is okay if you don't succeed. Instead, move forward knowing that you will succeed. Commit to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Keep focused on your goals and have the belief and confidence in yourself that you can achieve them.

You see, it is not difficult at all to start a home based business. Building a home based internet business is achievable for almost anyone who has the desire and willingness to do what it takes to make it happen. The information, resources, and tools are all available to help you succeed. It's just a matter of what you are going to do next. You can walk away or you can take some action now. Success is up to you!