Monday, January 28, 2008

A Review of the CarbonCopyPRO Income Opportunity

By Brian Garvin

I have actually come across a system that can make a huge positive impact on the network marketing system. This very impressive company Carbon Copy PRO has been in business for four years. Jay Kubassek who lives in New York started it.

He was one of us who tried so many companies and lost so much money till he decided that was it. Within six months of starting this company he was making more per month and the average American makes in a year. And this system has created a bunch of millionaires, so now they say they are going to produce 100 more millionaires by 2012.

For some reason, I believe they are going to do it.

How many network marketing plans have you tried? Ok, be honest and think about how many and how many have you failed. Why are you looking for another opportunity? This is the first company that I have come across as reviewing so many network-marketing systems that have been around. Companies that you and I have tried over and over again. They didn't work, not for me, not for you. This is why you reading my article. We are both looking for something legitimate and that takes on the Internet Marketing method and can help us to build a real, residual income. Income that will come in our sleep.

Carbon Copy PRO may the one. As I have been researching a lot of businesses, and the list is not short. This program actually makes sense to me. Residual Income can only be earned one way and that is customer acquisition and Customer retention.

Customer Acquisitions: this business makes you a partner, so you are in business "with" the company, not "for" them. It becomes a partnership to profit share in the future purchases of real customers. And your customers are reached through the massive Media.

Cooperative Marketing System. Now that is title or phrase that I have not seen since my research into network marketing and direct sales marketing. This company has made huge shift away from the "traditional" business models. And they support a very high retention rate.

The difference in the Carbon Copy Pro business that I see is the satisfied customers. They love the products and the other difference is most MLM, the products are purchased mainly for self-consumption, because they are have a min of product they need to buy, but not here.

Support and Marketing Materials: Not only do they help you obtain customers, and service your customers for you, but they also Market to your customers. far this is legit. I know you are thinking I have been falling off my little rocker here, but I assure you, I am really looking into this.

They have a very talented staff of designers and writers that create some incredible and proven marketing materials that are sent out to YOUR customers monthly. And guess what? There is NO Additional cost to you.

Now you are wondering what their products are. Their products focus on Total Wellness. The 3 major product target areas are WEIGHT LOSS - PERFORMANCE - HEALTHY AGING.

What kind of Support and Training will you get if you join? Well, I am going to list them for you since there are enough to make a list with.

1. Free Websites: You will get your OWN personalized and self-replicating versions of the EXACT company -hosted site. There will also be a Resource Site-exclusively for you and the rest of the gang.
2. Live Conference Call & Video Training - You will be able to listen in on the regular CORP Conference and Team calls.
3. Email Trainings for 365 Days - You will begin by receiving emails scheduled to come to you daily, giving you building tips and encouragement.
4. they are a viral marketing system
5. pays for itself and sustains the cost of marketing
6. qualifies your leads, sells them and then closes them.
7. People actually will pay you to see your system.
8. Anyone! Can succeed at this.

I think this is worth your checking into. Set the others aside, we know those don't work, and see what Carbon Copy PRO has to offer you. You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.