What is the first step you should take when starting an online business?
Many of us (myself included) start our quest to make money online by reading about it. You will read about SEO, Internet marketing, making money on eBay, making money with affiliate marketing, and anything else you can find to help you make money online. You might buy one or more info products about making money online. Then after learning how to make money online for a while you will either:
1. Purchase a web domain and start setting up the website to make money using the knowledge you have gained.
2. Continue to read and read about Internet marketing and never take any action on your knowledge.
3. Make a sound business plan and then take action on that plan to build a successful online business.
4. Make a sound business plan and then NEVER take action on that plan.
Which of these paths do you think is the best way to get started online?
The answer, of course, is number 3.
3. Make a sound business plan and then take action on that plan to build a successful online business.
If you start trying to make money online without a plan then you will never know where you are trying to go. You might get there on accident, but it is better to have that defined up front. In other words, choice number 1 is not ideal, but it is MUCH better than choices 2 and 4.
With choice number 2 you gain knowledge but never use it. With choice number 4 you make a plan and never act on it. Neither choice 2 or 4 result in an actual online business being created. You would be surprised how many people follow paths 2 and 4.
If you are just starting out trying to make money with an online business, then the first thing you need to do is make a plan for success. Not just any plan, but a good solid plan based on YOUR strengths, skills, needs, and desires.
In the next post in this series we will dive deeper into planning the online business of your dreams.