Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wealth Creation

Wealth is a general term that translates into a wide variety of terms that mean different things to different people. From the old English word "weal", this meant "well being". This word was used to describe the ownership of physical qualities a person or group had ownership of.

Today, this word as become more expansive to include not just possessions, but also different states of mind and being.

To have a wealth of knowledge about a subject is to say someone has a lot of experience with it. Yet, when most individuals think of wealth, they think about riches, money and a lucrative lifestyle.

Especially in the western world, "wealth" usually represents money, cold hard cash and everything this money can buy. This word "wealth" is relative to and varies between countries and societies. It also varies between regions and sectors within the countries and societies. It is safe to say "wealth" is a difficult word to define by itself. This word is implied and attached to more information to mean more than it's sum total.

It might be helpful to understand that wealth might represent money, yet true wealth can only be associated with what money can buy. Money of itself is nothing more than printed paper and coins made of metal. When money stands by itself, it is not true wealth, money is only the yardstick. Money represents wealth because of what it can do. It could be said that money is a tool for attaining wealth.

If it helps you to think of money as real wealth, then you are not alone. This is a condition most of us are afflicted with. Mr. Drysdale was the banker on that old TV show called "The Beverly Hillbillies". Mr. Drysdale loved to go into his bank vault and play with the all of the money. This crazy banker wished all of the money was his because he loved money for money's sake.

Remember, it is us that puts the value on money. It is the same thing with gold and diamonds. Diamonds are very expensive to buy with money. Diamonds are very beautiful stones, precious stones. Most people will buy diamonds in their jewelry simply because of what the diamonds represent. A woman receiving a diamond engagement ring from her sweetheart, usually will sneak off to a jewelers shop later to have the diamond appraised. They want to know how much the diamond is worth in currency.

Why all of the attention to money and it's relationship to wealth? Because it can be important to realize when you are setting goals for creating wealth that money, by itself, may not be your intended target. Your target is what wealth means to you.

Wealth creation might be your desire to have an abundant life. Again, this can mean different things to different people. We are all different yet the same with our deepest desires. We want our lives to be happy and fulfilling, yet we individually have different dreams about what true wealth means to us.

With that all said, there is nothing wrong about equating money to wealth. Money is not the root of all evil. Money will certainly help you attain a better lifestyle for you very quickly. It is also alright to want a lot of money. The world runs on this currency principle in some very real ways. Will money buy you love? It might not hurt it any.

Wealth creation is deliberate creation using intent. You must intend to be wealthy. This helps to engage the Law of Attraction in your life by bringing wealth to you. This Law of Attraction is always at work. The Law engages your belief system. If you believe you are living a life of sadness and turmoil, then you attract more of this into your life.

Sometimes people do not believe they deserve to be rich. You need to realize that everyone deserves this life. There is enough for everyone, more than enough to go around. Our belief systems of being undeserving stop us from allowing the Law of Attraction from working in a positive way.

When your truest intention is focused on creating wealth, then you are focused in this state, believing you deserve this wealth. Start unblocking these scarcity ideas you might have about yourself by realizing the good things you have right now and being grateful for them. Gratitude is a state of mind that eliminates the negative and reinforces the positive. These are the beginning stages to take creating wealth.