Sunday, February 3, 2008

What is Crabon Copy Pro and Who is Jay Kubassek?

Is Jay Kubassek’s CarbonCopyPRO All That And More? Or Not.

Jay Kubassek, an industry leader for almost 4 years now who currently markets Wealth Masters International, has launched what he calls the next revolution of marketing systems for online direct sales. Jay states his "new system is the culmination of years of experience plus the expertise of other Master Marketers such as Mike Dillard"

Kubassek continues, "After four years, $400,000 of market testing, and millions of dollars in earnings, we have perfected the most powerful, automated, turn-key, sales and marketing system on the planet. We have permanently solved every problem new entrepreneurs struggle with in Direct Marketing: The Human Variable"

Is Jay Kubassek’s CarbonCopyPRO all it’s cracked up to be or not? According to Natalie Stahl, CEO of Platinum7Consulting, who worked the front end of Jay’s business for the last year and a half, "How is a new person supposed to out-market someone like Jay Kubassek who has been in the direct sales industry for 4 years and 3 years in MLM’s before that? How is a new person supposed to out-market someone who has been at it for 7 years? One of the biggest dilemmas that new online marketers face, is that they are not comfortable marketing themselves. They realize that everyone wants to work with a leader. New marketers wonder how they can put themselves out there, and position themselves as leaders, without having any financial results to show. Most people want to work with leaders when they start a new business. They want to work with someone who already has results and can show them the way"

Jay Kubassek’s CarbonCopyPRO is the front end marketing system for Wealth Masters International. CarbonCopyPRO is supposed to allow individuals to market a system and a group of experts, as opposed to themselves. "Revolutionary" or not, CarbonCopyPRO is taking the pressure off of new peoples’ shoulders since they are able to rely on a call center to close their sales, and their main concern is simple driving traffic to their websites. CarbonCopyPRO websites are turn-key and don’t require a complicated set up. New members are able to get their system up and running in a matter of minutes.

Jay Kubassek states, "While virtually every other opportunity out there uses a broken business model with people competing against each other, we designed CarbonCopyPRO to be a professional sales and marketing system where everyone gets to share and leverage each others’ success. This is about creating a story and a legacy. It is something that has never been done before" Natalie Stahl adds, "It is refreshing to see new people not stressing out about making phone calls and marketing. They’re able to leverage the success and knowledge of others that already ’have it figured out’"

Although those interested in the opportunity are required to fill out an application, the application is well worth what waits on the other side. Other industry leaders that will also be marketing CarbonCopyPRO include Kristy Davis, Mike Leroux, Andrew Cass, Mike Dillard, Karen Teresa, Reema Hasnain, and many others.

You can check out the Carbon Copy Pro right here.Rich Blue Line